Auto insurance covers damage to your vehicle caused by an accident, minus your deductible. There are different types of collision coverage available. Some policies could have a deductible waived in a situation where you are not at fault in an accident. Other auto insurance covers damage to your vehicle, minus your deductible, caused by anything other than collision such as fire, theft, flood or vandalism.
In most states, having auto insurance is required by law. If a car is on the road, it needs to have the proper insurance. Auto insurance will help pay for medical bills, losses and any damage to vehicles.
Auto liability insurance is about more than just replacing or fixing your vehicle. At Allied, we have manage offerings to get you the auto coverage you want.
When at-fault, the damage you cause to another person’s car or property in can be paid for through your auto insurance policy.
After a covered accident, your collision coverage will help pay to repair your work vehicle, or help replace the vehicle if it’s a total loss.
Cover the medical expenses for you or your passengers after and accident through your auto insurance program.
If someone is harmed in an accident where you are found at-fault, the bodily injury coverage will help pay for their medical expenses.
Auto Insurance can help protect your employees if they’re in an accident where an uninsured motorist is at-fault.
In non-accident related situations like hail, vandalism, tornadoes, or fire, comprehensive coverage will help cover repair costs.
There are many options to choose from when it comes to selecting the proper auto insurance. We can help you and your family select a reliable and affordable auto insurance. There are also options to purchase additional coverage such as towing or rental reimbursement. Let the experts at Allied show you how.