Tigers Outing: June 2017

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Some members of our team went to a Tigers game on June 29, 2017. The Tigers game served as a team bonding outing.

We know that team bonding is important for boosting employee performance and teamwork. This outing was a great opportunity for our team to learn more about each other and to generate team motivation.

Here are some pictures from the Tigers Outing:



Meet Emily Sapiel

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Emily Sapiel

We would like you to meet Emily Sapiel, one of our customer service representatives for our personal lines department. She has been working with our company since high school. To get to know Emily a little more, check out this question and answer interview.

1. What is your name (first and last) and title at the company?

Emily Sapiel, Customer Service Representative

2. Tell us a little about yourself.

I was born in Warren, MI. I grew up and was raised in Sterling heights, MI. I have been living in Rochester Hills for the past 10 years.

I am a proud dog mother of three. I love to disc golf and bake sweets in my spare time. I started working here at Allied as a co-op student in 11th grade.

I was a co-op student from 2003 – 2005. A full-time position became available after I graduated in 2005 to be a personal lines processor.

I completed my proper training and eventually transitioned into a customer service representative.

3. Before working at Allied Insurance Managers, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

My first job ever was selling glow sticks at firework events & concerts.

4. What is your proudest moment at Allied Insurance Managers?

Winning second place with my department for the 2016 Sales Contest in which personal Lines faced off in a monthly sales contest against the commercial producers.

5. What are your hopes for this industry?

Just watching it grow and evolve by drawing in more business.

6. If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see and why?

Me winning next week’s Powerball. I would use the money to help friends and family with their wants and needs.

7. What is the one thing you can’t live without and why?

My family because they are my everything.



Allied Welcomes Taras Shalay to the Team

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We would like you to meet our newest member, Taras Shalay. Taras Shalay is a 2006 graduate of Western Michigan University with a Master’s degree in Economics, where he was also awarded graduate student of the year in his department. 

With 10 years of underwriting and brokerage experience in Professional Liability, Executive Lines and Cyber Liability, Taras has a unique specialization in the insurance industry. Taras’ extensive Cyber Liability experience allows him to easily explain the complexities of a Cyber Liability policy, as well as the various coverage available to his clients that may or may not fit their insurance needs.

Taras’ main focus is to identify the key exposures for his clients and provide the best available solutions in this quick changing market environment.

Taras also has a decade of experience with Directors’ & Officers Liability, Employment Practices Liability, Fiduciary Liability, Crime, and Errors and Omissions.

To help you get to know him a little more, check out this question and answer with Taras:

1. What is your first and last name/ title at Allied Insurance Managers?

Taras Shalay, Account Executive.

2. What drew you to Allied Insurance Managers? How has Allied Insurance Managers changed since you started there?

What drew me was the creativity, professionalism, and high ethical behavior of its employees.  It’s exciting to wake up each morning surrounded by creative and talented people.

I would feel it has changed in that Allied Insurance Managers is trying to stay ahead of the insurance curve, mainly by hiring specialists that can go above and beyond for their clients’ needs.

3. What have you gained from working at Allied?

Allied Insurance Managers has taught me the importance of identifying the correct insurance program for each risk, and not concentrating on just the cheapest available.

4. Tell us a little about yourself.

I have two young daughters and an amazing wife. In my personal time, I enjoy spending time with my family as well as playing guitar and watching sports.

5. What is your motto or personal mantra?

Always do your best, regardless if it’s for your friend, family, or client, and you will always be satisfied with your results.

6. Where do you see yourself in five years?

In five years from now I see myself still giving back to the community, providing solutions to customers problems, and enjoying building relationships.

7. What is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome in your life thus far?

The greatest challenge I have had to overcome is experiencing my daughter’s premature birth of 3 months. It puts life into perspective and makes you realize what is most important. Thankfully, my daughter is doing perfectly well and is a constant reminder that miracles do happen.





Five Claims That Will Make You Want an Umbrella Policy

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We all know an umbrella protects you from getting wet on a rainy day. However, the type of umbrella we are referring to is a policy that provides excess liability insurance in case of an unexpected auto, property, or home accident.

You might be thinking that this sort of policy is unnecessary, but it can help you cover the additional costs of liability incidents that your base home or auto insurance does not pay for. Check out these five claims that were settled with the additional coverage of a personal umbrella policy courtesy of our partner, Citizen’s:

Claim #1:

A babysitter left a 5-month-old infant unattended in a walker. The infant toppled the walker, struck her head on the floor and suffered brain damage. The parents of the infant sued the teenage babysitter and her parents. The court awarded the infant’s parents $11,000,000.

Claim #2:

A 28-year old engineer dove into a friend’s above ground swimming pool struck his head on the bottom and, as a result became a quadriplegic. He sued both the homeowner and the pool manufacturer. The court found the homeowner to be 60 percent responsible and the pool manufacturer to be 40 percent responsible, and awarded $10,000,000.

Claim #3:

The insured’s tenant claims she became ill from carbon monoxide poisoning resulting from a faulty furnace. The tenant claimed permanent brain damage and demanded $750,000.

Claim #4:

A hillside on the insured’s property was covered with concrete to prevent erosion. The concrete had been installed before the insured purchased the property. Approximately 5 feet of the concrete fell to the neighboring property knocking the claimant’s home from its foundation. The resulting claim was settled for $970,000.

Claim #5:

The insured hosted a beach party for their daughter One of the attendees found what was believed to be an empty and discarded propane tank. The tank was thrown into a beach bonfire and subsequently exploded resulting in severe injuries to several guests. A $20,000,000 claim was filed alleging the insured failed to properly supervise the party.

At Allied Insurance Managers, we want you to be prepared for the unexpected. We know these claims will encourage you to make sure you are covered for any liability incident that may come your way.